Outstanding KS1 lessons the Great Fire of London

Our exciting brand-new outstanding Medium term planner on the Great Fire of London comes with a clear rationale and 6 enquiry-led fully resourced lessons.

The new approach looks at a very familiar topic in a completely new way, including three completely new enquiries which set it apart from the plethora of worksheets that have flooded the market. In particular, the opening session is heavily investigative and sets the tone for pupils working at history detectives throughout. Two new enquiries, which form key questions 4 and 5, look at the human impact of the event, an aspect often ignored.

Planner, assessment task and knowledge organiser

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great fire knowledge organiser
Great Fire of London knowledge organiser – KS1

The Great Fire of 1666 is an event that most people know about today not least because it changed the…

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The Great Fire – KQ1 – How can we work out why the Great Fire started?

This innovative session places pupils right from the start of the enquiry in the role of detectives to discover when,…

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samuel pepys diary
The Great Fire – KQ2 – What happened during the Great Fire and how do we know?

This lesson focuses on the idea of evidence and proof. Can pupils find evidence to back up statements made in…

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great fire
The Great Fire – KQ3 – Why did the Great Fire burn down so many houses?

This Great Fire lesson focuses on developing children’s powers of explanations.  They will already have looked at the sequence of…

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The Great Fire – KQ4 – Could more have been done to slow the spread of the fire?

This session comprises three distinct phases. The first is mime-based, looking at the firefighting methods used and discussing their disadvantages….

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After the great fire
The Great Fire – KQ5 – How did people manage to live through the Great Fire?

Miraculously for a city that was the third largest in the world, consumed by a fire that lasted for days,…

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The Great Fire – KQ5 Additional Resource – Crowdfunding is nothing new

Extra information to support your teaching of Key Question 5 – Crowdfunding is nothing new As we stress in this…

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The Great Fire – KQ6 – How shall we rebuild London after the Great Fire?

This lesson gives full rein to children’s creative flair, disciplined by evidence.  The City of London is offering a prize…

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Help Tom to fight the Great Fire. Smart Task

This ICT based activity draws heavily on the superb new website created as a joint enterprise by the National Archives,…

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KS1 Star Lesson on The Great Fire

Why did the Great Fire of 1666 burn down so many more houses than other fires in London at that…

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6 top history ideas to cover in your Great Fire topic

Many of you will be starting your Great Fire topic this term. Naturally you will want this to be exciting…

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Keeping up-to-date with your teaching of the Great Fire at KS1

If you get the chance, between the end of term and April, to visit the Museum of London’s exhibition Fire!…

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Y1 explore the contents of the mystery bag
What’s in the bag and who does it belong to? Great Fire Smart Task

An object-based problem-solving approach to learning about life during the Great Fire This Smart Task is just part of a…

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great fire experience
KS1 | Great Fire interactive resource

Just thought I’d bring to the attention of those who haven’t yet seen it the interesting resource put together by…

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Great Fire
Using De Bono’s Thinking Hats to develop thinking skills at Key Stage 1 via the topic the Great Fire of London. Smart Task

Two infant teachers from southern Hampshire, Julie Syms from Crofton Hammond Infants and Nicola Beazley from Sarisbury Green Infants, have…

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mystery photo
Great Fire Smart Task .What’s going on in our mystery picture?

This simple starter activity uses a large, coloured, artist’s reconstruction of Pepys burying his possessions when he knows it is…

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great fire
Excellent resource on Great Fire of London for KS1

The Museum of London has a wonderful selection of teaching resources on its website including an interactive story and perhaps best of…

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