Using the living graph technique pupils sequence the events of Amelia’s flying career and then physically create points on a graph by deciding which events were good ones for Amelia and which were not. That way pupils learn to think about Amelia’s feelings, brining events to life.

NB As this activity requires a lot of pupils moving, we recommend that you have a clear large space available, or perhaps use the hall or library or similar.

Learning Objectives

  • Pupils are able to sequence the main events of Amelia’s career
  • Pupils are able to make judgments about the impact of specific events in Amelia’s career, in terms of positive and negative, happy/sad.

Step 1

Pupils in groups of 4 are given an envelope containing the main events of Amelia’s career. These are print outs of the slides from the PowerPoint.  Their first task is to sequence them. The correct sequence is shown on the PowerPoint so be sure to cut them up in jumbled order as instructed on the introductory slide.  The correct order is seen on slide 9.

Step 2

Check that all pupils have a reasonably secure grasp of the main phases of Amelia’s life before attempting the next

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