Lively introductory session which creatively gets pupils to find things out for themselves and check their understanding using bells and whistles! before consolidating using short video.

As this is a distant time and place with little by way of immediate iconic images for young Y3/4 pupils can connect to, the lesson is as active and visual (images and video)  as possible allowing pupils to feel they have found out a lot for themselves very quickly.

Learning objectives

  • Pupils are able to elicit information from a range of sources
  • They can work out which clues support which statements, grasping that there is no supporting evidence for some clues
  • Pupils can select 5 relevant and significant facts about the Shang dynasty with higher attaining pupils showing greater sense of what is key and distinctive
  • Higher attaining pupils are able to make simple deduction from less explicit clues

Step 1

It starts, not

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