Following a mysterious PowerPoint slow reveal in which pupils look for clues to Caxton’s fame, pupils are given a brief illustrated summary of the key moments in his life which are consolidated with a sequencing activity. Pupils then make a series of more creative tableaux of scenes of his life. The session closes with an exploration of the impact he has had even though he died over 550 years ago.
Step 1 – Setting the scene
By way of introduction to the whole topic, pupils have to work out why Caxton was so important to us today, even though he lived 500 years ago. Pupils predict from clues offered on the PowerPoint slides 2, 3 and 4 what he might have done. Slide 2 is a first day cover of commemorative stamps for the 500th anniversary of Caxton’s printing presses.
The word ‘press’ will be unfamiliar, but don’t worry. We