Pupils create a fortunes graph showing the highs and lows of Mary’s life after the Crimea, identify a key turning point in her fortunes, and then consider ways in which Mary was helped when she fell on hard times.


Learning objectives

  • Pupils are able to sequence events of Mary’s life immediately following the end of the Crimean war
  • They can make judgements about the times when she was happy and when she was sad and can identify turning points in her fortunes
  • They can suggest ways in which Mary was helped in times of hardship
  • Pupils understand that on her return to England Mary fell on hard times and had a lot of unpaid bills
  • They can explain was destitute under William Russell of the Times newspaper stepped in to help.

Step 1 – Activity 1: Sequencing

Before attempting the fortunes graph, the main activity, it is important that

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