Over the last few weeks I have been approached by several companies bidding for the contract to produce animated films for the BBC Bitesize series aimed at a KS1 audience. They are making 20 of them. I thought it might be helpful if I let you know which significant figures are being covered, and my thoughts on the BBC’s choices.
- Anne Frank
- Boudicca ( always studied at KS2 and often taught in Y3 and 4 so not sure why she needs ti be in KS1)
- Charles Dickens
- Christopher Columbus. Lots of action and clear motives so a good choice
- Elizabeth Fry. Obviously useful to look at a female figure but maybe best covered at KS2 within the context of Victorian Britain or the thematic unit on crime and punishment.
- Florence Nightingale ( already well covered, surely)
- Gandhi ( interesting choice but providing the context for this work at KS1 will be challenging)
- Henry VIII – surely well enough covered already -in every Key Stage
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Best tackled at KS2 within Victorian Britain or local topic
- Marie Curie- a real challenge for Ks1 I would have thought
- Martin Luther King. Good choice- not studied again until KS3
- Mary Seacole- already well resourced, I would have thought
- Nelson Mandela
- Queen Elizabeth 1- same applies as no.8
- Queen Victoria
- Rosa Parks- good if combined with 11
- Samuel Pepys-already covered
- Stephen Hawkins- recent sad death has made more information available but I, personally would never teach him at KS1. I find it hard enough, myself, to comprehend his ideas, let alone explain his significance to 6-year olds.
- William Shakespeare- a real danger of trespassing on KS2 territory here
- Winston Churchill- covered to some extent at KS2 unit on Britain at War but as this is only optional many schools won’t cover it. So could justify a place at KS1.